Guangdong Zhenmei Food Group Co., Ltd.

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[True Beauty ▪ Beautiful China] Beautiful China Heart, True Beauty Hometown--Guangdong Zhenmei Food Co., Ltd. 2017 Mid-Autumn Festival Condolences to the Beautiful Chinese Teacher (Chaoshan Area)

Company News
2020/05/26 14:55
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Guangdong Zhenmei Food Co., Ltd.

On the morning of September 10, Mr. Zhuang Peirui, Chairman of the Board of Guangdong Zhenmei Food Co., Ltd. and Longyao Primary School, Longkou Village, Chaodong District, Chaozhou District, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province, and representatives of the project support teachers of "Beautiful China" The leaders of Yao Primary School had a happy Teachers' Day together. Chairman Zhuang brought the Mid-Autumn Festival moon cake gift box to all the teachers in Chaoshan area in advance and gave them deep condolences.

Chen Jinchuan, Executive Director of Beautiful China Guangdong, delivered a speech expressing gratitude for the support of Zhenmei Shares and the Mid-Autumn Festival gift, and also thanked the support teachers of "Beautiful China" for their hard work. "Beautiful China" projects are getting better and better!